Last Sunday after Epiphany Transfiguration Sunday
2 Cor. 4:1-6
Apostleship debate
According to New Testament scholars’ opinion, the First letter to Corinth church deals with the problems in Corinth church and the Second deals Paul’s apostleship as its theme. Of course such simple division may not work but it would be right if we see it in the whole outline. To us today Apostle Paul is doubtless great apostle but he was not in such position at the situation of Early Christianity. There might be various reasons. The fact his returning from Judaism by stopping in the middle of anti-Christian movement, his extreme theology, in a transition period of early Christianity theology and etc might work in combine.
Chapter 3 verses 1, 2 show us the situation of those days in real. “Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody.” According to this explanation, there might be some people came to the church with letters of recommendation to dispute against Paul’s teaching in Corinth church. We are not able to verify the content of recommendation letters exactly but it might give some burden to Paul. They might be sent by the apostles from Jerusalem or some influential people who could handle Corinth church members. However, it might be very clear that there was a great conflict between Paul and the visitors who came with such authoritative recommendation letters. It is a similar case in the church’s conflict between conservatism and progressivism. The view point for other religions and sexual minority is far different from each other. Nowadays such conflict takes the least important position but it was serious in Paul’s time as much as shaking the identification of Christianity itself.
Chapter 4 verses 1, 2 indirectly explain the huge possibility of deteriorating Christianity in those days. “Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.” Here the statement, “We do not distort the word of God’ signifies there were certain people to teach in distorting way. This is the core point Paul explains in today’s content. Those who delivered the word of God in distorting way were the people who visited the Corinth church with a recommendation letter and ran down Paul’s authority and his gospel. The content today doesn’t explain directly what their insistence was. Instead Paul indirectly points out their problem by justifying his faith.
The creator of light
The position of Paul in the primitive Christianity was very peculiar. He delivered the salvation through Jesus only and it was almost close to gospel monism. It meant the salvation through Jesus wasn’t accepted as such clear truth in those days. You may feel strange for this fact and ask, “How they can deliver other things rather than the salvation through Jesus as being the members of Christian community already?” You have to read this word by returning to the New Testament times. As I pointed out earlier, Christianity hadn’t systemized yet properly in those days. Especially most Christians were from Hebrew Jews or at least Greek Jews, the Diasporas. If we consider strong power of Mosaic Law in their truth criteria then we can easily understand the conflict between Paul and his opponents.
However, the problem between gospel and law is not only Jews’ legalistic way of thinking but much further fundamental philosophical matter. Paul explains it through Gnostic term. He says the reason they are not able to accept gospel is basically due to the darkness of their heart. Look at verse 4. “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Paul expressed darkness and light symmetrically. Gnosticism interpreted this world in dualism of good and evil, light and darkness. Though this Gnosticism doesn’t accord with Christian faith, it is clear that this is partially pursuable assertion. Because Christians does not think they can realize the truth or achieve their salvation by themselves but only through being shined by the light of God’s grace. Paul’s mention that we cannot recognize gospel if our heart gets darken rightly signifies this fact.
However, Paul doesn’t stop in Gnosticism, the main stream philosophy of those days. The matter of light and darkness that Paul says returns to the doctrine of creation in the Old Testament beyond Gnosticism. Look at verse 6a. “For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us.” For Gnosticism light and darkness is two ontological powers that rule this world but it is nothing but the creatures to Paul. Paul emphasizes the fact God created light. God who created light shined his light in our heart. This is the unique way to recognize gospel and truth. Because of this light of creation Paul was able to preach the word of God without distorting or people could accept the gospel.
Likewise Christianity’s epistemology is rooted in the doctrine of creation. The power to recognize the truth is not indwell in our inner world but is given by God who created light. At this point, we Christian accept justification, sanctification and the entire process as God’s grace. We pray such grace may dwell in us. We never are able to recognize gospel and truth without the light that God creates and shines.
The detailed explanation about the meaning of shining of the light of God is as follows. We don’t think smartness is compulsory to attain spiritual enlightenment. “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” (John 3:6) The expert in physics and psychology cannot be spiritually awakened unconditionally. On the contrary an ignorance of an ignoramus doesn’t hinder him to attain spiritual enlightenment. Here decisive important point is the light of God.
When people hear this explanation they may think strange but it is not. Such things often happen in our normal life. There are many people who are expert in one side and stupid the other. Some people are expert in mathematics but dull in music. Some are excellent in biotech engineering but very infantile in respecting for human right. Some are smart in theology but immature in human relationship. Likewise it is possible that some are an old hand at worldly things but know nothing about the spiritual world. At this point spiritual thing can be distinguished only by spirit and we call it as a spiritual epistemology which is occurred by the light of God. Now as such light shine on his heart, Paul defend his preaching is right. What is the gospel that only possible to understand by the light of God?
The face of Christ and the glory of God
Now we meet a complicated part of Christian faith. Some of you may ask is it not enough to proclaim, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” (Act. 16:31) Then why is it necessary to deal with Gnosticism, epistemology and the doctrine of creation? I don’t want to make you hard. We are now following the authors of the New Testament who had gone though such process. Look at verse 6b. Paul stated the fact that the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. This may be the most difficult sentence in the New Testament. Is it the most heart of the Bible? The most mysterious one? So does Paul say it can be acknowledged only by the light of God? What on earth does Paul say now?
The story of Christ’s face is connected to the story of Moses’ face narrated in chapter 3:12 after. When Moses came down from the Mount Sinai with Ten Commandments and other Laws his face was shined in glory. When Israel people were afraid of seeing his shining face, he put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it. It is written in Exodus chapter 34. Why does Paul disclose this incident? He intended to point out that the glory shined on Moses’ face was temporary one. It means the Law represented by Moses is not eternal truth but tentative one.
Yes. Moses’ glory has gone. Instead the glory is shining on Jesus’ face. Here Jesus’ face doesn’t point out his actual body but his life. It signifies his Passion, crucifixion, resurrection and his entire destiny. His life is shining. Shining means to be revealed brightly. ‘The glory of God was revealed to the ancient Israel people in Mosaic Law but now it is brightly revealed in Jesus Christ. The glory of God is shining in the life of Jesus Christ. Now Paul saw it, the glory of God that is shining in the entire life of Jesus Christ.
Apostle Paul saw the glory of God which was shining in the entire life of Jesus. What is the glory? What is the glory Paul had clearly seen in the entire life of Jesus? God’s glory is the event that God becomes the Lord both in name and reality. The word God becomes the Lord means God is certainly revealed as the creator, and furthermore his salvation is certainly revealed. The glory of God is the completion of his salvation, the creator of the world. Probably you may accept this word at the religious level unconditionally but it may not come to you in real. Think in this way. God’s creation activities hasn’t completed yet in our life. We feel thirsty though we drink water. Our friend, family cannot solve my loneliness. Though we’ve achieved something in our social life we still suffer from uneasiness. The creative activity hasn’t completed to us yet. It means we are not saved completely. The completion of the creation and salvation is rightly the glory of God. We don’t know what is the glory in detail because we haven’t crossed the river of death.
The unique way for us who hasn’t crossed over the river of death to recognize and experience the glory of God is Jesus Christ. Explaining it with following today’s content, it is not the law but the gospel of Jesus’ Christ. Paul says the fact the glory of God is shined in the life of Jesus’ Christ.
Is Paul’s such statement really true? With this question, we furthermore have entered into the valley of Christian faith. Let’s ask once again. What proof does it have that the life and destiny of Jesus a young Jew who had executed on the cross at 33 years old and raised after three days shines the glory of God, his creation and salvation? If this fact is an actual proof like the Copernican theory or Newton’s the law of universal gravitation then there is no dispute at all. Similar to the creed that God created the world and he will complete it at the end, this incident is the matter of spiritual recognition and faith that can be proved at the end of present world. We are following the faith of apostles and early Christian community who understood and believed. Following such apostles’ tradition and God’s grace that shines on our heart we understand and believe the glory of God is shined in the face of Jesus Christ. Those who have such faith already have participated in the glory of God though they are living in this world.
2 Cor. 4:1-6
Apostleship debate
According to New Testament scholars’ opinion, the First letter to Corinth church deals with the problems in Corinth church and the Second deals Paul’s apostleship as its theme. Of course such simple division may not work but it would be right if we see it in the whole outline. To us today Apostle Paul is doubtless great apostle but he was not in such position at the situation of Early Christianity. There might be various reasons. The fact his returning from Judaism by stopping in the middle of anti-Christian movement, his extreme theology, in a transition period of early Christianity theology and etc might work in combine.
Chapter 3 verses 1, 2 show us the situation of those days in real. “Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everybody.” According to this explanation, there might be some people came to the church with letters of recommendation to dispute against Paul’s teaching in Corinth church. We are not able to verify the content of recommendation letters exactly but it might give some burden to Paul. They might be sent by the apostles from Jerusalem or some influential people who could handle Corinth church members. However, it might be very clear that there was a great conflict between Paul and the visitors who came with such authoritative recommendation letters. It is a similar case in the church’s conflict between conservatism and progressivism. The view point for other religions and sexual minority is far different from each other. Nowadays such conflict takes the least important position but it was serious in Paul’s time as much as shaking the identification of Christianity itself.
Chapter 4 verses 1, 2 indirectly explain the huge possibility of deteriorating Christianity in those days. “Therefore, since through God's mercy we have this ministry, we do not lose heart. Rather, we have renounced secret and shameful ways; we do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. On the contrary, by setting forth the truth plainly we commend ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.” Here the statement, “We do not distort the word of God’ signifies there were certain people to teach in distorting way. This is the core point Paul explains in today’s content. Those who delivered the word of God in distorting way were the people who visited the Corinth church with a recommendation letter and ran down Paul’s authority and his gospel. The content today doesn’t explain directly what their insistence was. Instead Paul indirectly points out their problem by justifying his faith.
The creator of light
The position of Paul in the primitive Christianity was very peculiar. He delivered the salvation through Jesus only and it was almost close to gospel monism. It meant the salvation through Jesus wasn’t accepted as such clear truth in those days. You may feel strange for this fact and ask, “How they can deliver other things rather than the salvation through Jesus as being the members of Christian community already?” You have to read this word by returning to the New Testament times. As I pointed out earlier, Christianity hadn’t systemized yet properly in those days. Especially most Christians were from Hebrew Jews or at least Greek Jews, the Diasporas. If we consider strong power of Mosaic Law in their truth criteria then we can easily understand the conflict between Paul and his opponents.
However, the problem between gospel and law is not only Jews’ legalistic way of thinking but much further fundamental philosophical matter. Paul explains it through Gnostic term. He says the reason they are not able to accept gospel is basically due to the darkness of their heart. Look at verse 4. “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” Paul expressed darkness and light symmetrically. Gnosticism interpreted this world in dualism of good and evil, light and darkness. Though this Gnosticism doesn’t accord with Christian faith, it is clear that this is partially pursuable assertion. Because Christians does not think they can realize the truth or achieve their salvation by themselves but only through being shined by the light of God’s grace. Paul’s mention that we cannot recognize gospel if our heart gets darken rightly signifies this fact.
However, Paul doesn’t stop in Gnosticism, the main stream philosophy of those days. The matter of light and darkness that Paul says returns to the doctrine of creation in the Old Testament beyond Gnosticism. Look at verse 6a. “For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us.” For Gnosticism light and darkness is two ontological powers that rule this world but it is nothing but the creatures to Paul. Paul emphasizes the fact God created light. God who created light shined his light in our heart. This is the unique way to recognize gospel and truth. Because of this light of creation Paul was able to preach the word of God without distorting or people could accept the gospel.
Likewise Christianity’s epistemology is rooted in the doctrine of creation. The power to recognize the truth is not indwell in our inner world but is given by God who created light. At this point, we Christian accept justification, sanctification and the entire process as God’s grace. We pray such grace may dwell in us. We never are able to recognize gospel and truth without the light that God creates and shines.
The detailed explanation about the meaning of shining of the light of God is as follows. We don’t think smartness is compulsory to attain spiritual enlightenment. “Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” (John 3:6) The expert in physics and psychology cannot be spiritually awakened unconditionally. On the contrary an ignorance of an ignoramus doesn’t hinder him to attain spiritual enlightenment. Here decisive important point is the light of God.
When people hear this explanation they may think strange but it is not. Such things often happen in our normal life. There are many people who are expert in one side and stupid the other. Some people are expert in mathematics but dull in music. Some are excellent in biotech engineering but very infantile in respecting for human right. Some are smart in theology but immature in human relationship. Likewise it is possible that some are an old hand at worldly things but know nothing about the spiritual world. At this point spiritual thing can be distinguished only by spirit and we call it as a spiritual epistemology which is occurred by the light of God. Now as such light shine on his heart, Paul defend his preaching is right. What is the gospel that only possible to understand by the light of God?
The face of Christ and the glory of God
Now we meet a complicated part of Christian faith. Some of you may ask is it not enough to proclaim, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved.” (Act. 16:31) Then why is it necessary to deal with Gnosticism, epistemology and the doctrine of creation? I don’t want to make you hard. We are now following the authors of the New Testament who had gone though such process. Look at verse 6b. Paul stated the fact that the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. This may be the most difficult sentence in the New Testament. Is it the most heart of the Bible? The most mysterious one? So does Paul say it can be acknowledged only by the light of God? What on earth does Paul say now?
The story of Christ’s face is connected to the story of Moses’ face narrated in chapter 3:12 after. When Moses came down from the Mount Sinai with Ten Commandments and other Laws his face was shined in glory. When Israel people were afraid of seeing his shining face, he put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it. It is written in Exodus chapter 34. Why does Paul disclose this incident? He intended to point out that the glory shined on Moses’ face was temporary one. It means the Law represented by Moses is not eternal truth but tentative one.
Yes. Moses’ glory has gone. Instead the glory is shining on Jesus’ face. Here Jesus’ face doesn’t point out his actual body but his life. It signifies his Passion, crucifixion, resurrection and his entire destiny. His life is shining. Shining means to be revealed brightly. ‘The glory of God was revealed to the ancient Israel people in Mosaic Law but now it is brightly revealed in Jesus Christ. The glory of God is shining in the life of Jesus Christ. Now Paul saw it, the glory of God that is shining in the entire life of Jesus Christ.
Apostle Paul saw the glory of God which was shining in the entire life of Jesus. What is the glory? What is the glory Paul had clearly seen in the entire life of Jesus? God’s glory is the event that God becomes the Lord both in name and reality. The word God becomes the Lord means God is certainly revealed as the creator, and furthermore his salvation is certainly revealed. The glory of God is the completion of his salvation, the creator of the world. Probably you may accept this word at the religious level unconditionally but it may not come to you in real. Think in this way. God’s creation activities hasn’t completed yet in our life. We feel thirsty though we drink water. Our friend, family cannot solve my loneliness. Though we’ve achieved something in our social life we still suffer from uneasiness. The creative activity hasn’t completed to us yet. It means we are not saved completely. The completion of the creation and salvation is rightly the glory of God. We don’t know what is the glory in detail because we haven’t crossed the river of death.
The unique way for us who hasn’t crossed over the river of death to recognize and experience the glory of God is Jesus Christ. Explaining it with following today’s content, it is not the law but the gospel of Jesus’ Christ. Paul says the fact the glory of God is shined in the life of Jesus’ Christ.
Is Paul’s such statement really true? With this question, we furthermore have entered into the valley of Christian faith. Let’s ask once again. What proof does it have that the life and destiny of Jesus a young Jew who had executed on the cross at 33 years old and raised after three days shines the glory of God, his creation and salvation? If this fact is an actual proof like the Copernican theory or Newton’s the law of universal gravitation then there is no dispute at all. Similar to the creed that God created the world and he will complete it at the end, this incident is the matter of spiritual recognition and faith that can be proved at the end of present world. We are following the faith of apostles and early Christian community who understood and believed. Following such apostles’ tradition and God’s grace that shines on our heart we understand and believe the glory of God is shined in the face of Jesus Christ. Those who have such faith already have participated in the glory of God though they are living in this world.
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