2008년 12월 6일 토요일


The Second Advent week
2 Peter 3:1-13

Delay of Advent
Early Christian communities were so earnestly waiting for Jesus’ second coming that they were known as the ‘Second coming community’. However, Jesus’ second coming was delayed and while they were waiting for Jesus’ coming again many fellow Christians were passing away. The delay of Jesus’ second coming caused very serious problem in their community. People showed different responses before the delay of Jesus’ coming again. Some prayed more fervently for Jesus’ coming and some left the church. Others newly interpreted the meaning of his delay. The people in today’s content mocked the faith of Jesus’ second coming. “They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." (4)

Peter expressed them as the people ‘following their own evil desires’. Of course, this expression is not specifically insulting. It is a general expression for the people of the world who live according their thought, idea and maintain their life however they want it. We live like this in our daily lives. We do not obey God’s will but stay loyal to the desires that spring up from our heart. In this regard, though our life looks good we are nothing but the people ‘following their desire’ if the motivation of our life is not seeking God’s will. Peter here hints the intention of mockers who was mocking the delay of Jesus’ second coming. He says the mockers uses the delay of Jesus’ second coming as a plausible excuse of their loosen life in this world.

Though they made it as a plausible excuse for their loose life in this world, their attitude to raise this matter was somewhat reasonable. Like their expression, talking about Jesus’ second coming seemed a little strange under the situation of ‘everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation’. The sun that shined for 4.5 billion years still shines even today. The heaven and the earth still take its position as they were in the past. Who will be the person among us thinking the sun can disappear tomorrow. How can it be sounded extremely strange if someone insist Jesus’ second coming while the earth rotates on its axis and revolving around the sun, stars shine on the sky? Not only did the early Christians mock Jesus’ second coming, we find ourselves doing the same thing even today. We also assist such mockery. Let’s strain our ears to Peter’s explanation.

Change of the world
Look at verse 5. “But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water.” Peter asserts that the people who mock Jesus’ second coming deliberately forget that by God’s word the heavens and the earth were created. The word that the earth was formed out of water and by water might be an influence of Thales’ philosophy that presumed water as the source of all things in the universe. You shouldn’t be supersized in saying that the Bible was influenced by world philosophy for God’s word takes its main position in this expression. The author who remembers the Noah’s flood says the ancient world was deluged and destroyed. But by the same word the present heavens and the earth were reserved. (7a) And the heavens and earth will be burnt on the day of Judgment. (7b) The conception of burning by fire also might refer to Herakleitos’ philosophy which says this world will begin after being destroyed by fire. Today the readers of Bible do not need to worry about the fact that the Bible was written with such influence of worldly philosophy, for the Bible put God and God’s word in its center. The point that the authors of Bible didn’t fall into a dogma but opened the door of dialogue toward the surrounded world is the proof that they hold the attitude of a truth seeker.

What is Peter talking about? Peter is now pointing out the logical problem of the mockers who mock an advent faith. Everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation in their eyes but this world has decisively changed and also will be changed. They see only the visible phenomena of the world but the author of Bible sees the inner world. The fundamental change is happening in the inner world by God’s word. That inner change rightly predicts the end of the world, that is, Jesus’ second coming.

Dear brothers and sisters. The world is placed before us like this. The world is seen differently based on its viewpoint. For some, the peoples of the world who understand and resolves matters with their own way regards nothing is related to God. However, we who believe God regards everything in this world are closely related to God. We are the people who see this world by a spiritual viewpoint. According to the text today the author is seeing this world based on God’s word. There are people who feel difficult to understand the meaning of seeing spiritually based on God’s word. Let’s think this matter a litter more based on the text.

The author explained the world with water and fire, the viewpoint of ancient people. The core of it is the following. The root of existence of the world is laid not on the outer fact but the inner. The inner fact, of course, is God, God’s word. I will tell you the simplest physical fact. The earth does not rotate with its own power but completely is dependent on the sun. If the sun loses its power only 10%, life on earth will be exterminated. The sun takes a small position in the galactic system. If you feel the macro physics too far to understand then think the fact near to us. Nowadays many people are suffering from hepatitis. Suppose we eradicate all viruses in the earth to protect hepatitis. Probably humankind will be exterminated because of this. ‘War of the Worlds’ is a science fiction-disaster film based on H. G. Wells' original novel, directed by Steven Spielberg. The story dealt with the invasion of extraterrestrial. Any weapons on earth were useless to defeat them. The last scene of this movie narrates that it was the viruses and bacteria that destroyed the invaders.

What does this signify? We shouldn’t see this world externally. The inner spiritual world is much more abundant and deeper. The science of today doesn’t have a clear idea about sources of the abundant life in this world. Some power may be clearly working but it is hidden from our cognitive system. We who believe God’s creation regard it as a spiritual reality. Those who keep such spiritual reality in their mind cannot mock the delay of Jesus’ second coming just seeing the outer phenomena of world.

Dismantlement of the world
The author of Bible explains the Advent faith positively after depending mocking for delay of the advent. According to his expression, we have to think three facts related to the advent faith.

First, the relativity of time. The author says quoting Psalm 90:4, “With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” (8) We have a dim consciousness whenever we think about the time. It is hard for us to distinguish what difference between the age of the earth, 4.5 billion years old and 24 hours of yesterday. As our forefather’s teaching, our life is felt as just a moment of a noon’s nap. The author tells us do not simply calculate the delay of Jesus’ coming with our time conception.

Second, the delaying of his coming is related to human salvation. Look at verse 9. “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” God’s favor to give an opportunity to those who are not saved is the reason for delay of Jesus’ coming.

Third, Jesus’ advent happens like ‘thief’s invasion. Look at verse 10a. “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.” Such parables related to this theme have been already given by Jesus. (Matthew 24:43) The end of the world comes to us unexpectedly. The individual death also is the same. Many people die unexpectedly. Of course it is a little different case if people die not by sickness or accident but in normal way. However, even such death is not much different. Not only individual death but the ecosystem of the earth can be demolished without any previous notice. It is similar case that the bank seems to be safe just before overflowing but it cannot stop once its corner begins being destroyed.

The author describes the end of the world by the following. “The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.” (10) Jew’s revelation thought is revealed in this expression. Such influence is unavoidable for Christianity is rooted in Judaism. There are similar expression in the gospels and Revelation.

Modern Christians who read such statement of the Bible shows two responses. On one hand people think that the world understanding of ancient people is meaningless. They say modern people are mature enough and should take off such immature world viewpoints. Theologically speaking, it is stated that the Bible should be ex-mythologized. On the contrary, there are people who insist such expression of revelation thought should be accepted literally. Martyn Lloyd Johns also stated the same. In my viewpoint these two attitudes both are not desirable. Those who participate in such Bible tradition they didn’t have any choice. However, what their concern was not the viewpoint of ancient tradition but God’s sovereignty. This world is nothing but God’s creation though it seems great. It means such world can be dismantled so simply and easily.

A new heaven and a new earth
Upon hearing this, if you think the teaching of Christianity is negative and pessimistic then you seriously misunderstood the passage. In many cases Christianity approaches and interprets life in this world negatively. They denied history, interpreted human life in acetic way and made it in dual, sacred and secular. Such assertions come from improper understanding about the foundation of Christianity.

The idea of the description of today, “the dismantlement of this world’ is very clear. It is not denying this world but hoping for ‘a new heaven and a new earth’ by penetrating the limitation of this world. Look at verse 13. “But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.” The old world is gone by fire and a new heaven and a new earth begins. A new heaven and a new earth is the core of the text.

People may think of the new heaven and a new earth vaguely. We have much work to do rightly now for our survival in this competitive world. Studying, office work and terrorist problem are the pending problems. For students who feel ultimate importance of impending end semester exam a new heaven and a new earth sounds totally different story of another world. In fact our daily life lay before us is very important which cannot compare with anything in this world. Eat, excrete, meet others, struggle to make humane world and etc are equally important for us. However, we should not lose the teaching of the Bible toward a new heaven and a new earth because of we give our daily activities so much importance.

Let’s ask about the things of a new heaven and a new earth in detail. What sort of a new heaven and a new earth are we waiting for? Is it the world we are freed from labors or studying? Is it the world with no more wars? Is it the world of perfect welfare society? The world guarantees health and long life by developing neural stem cell. Though we have to do our best in order to establish such world which is achieved by developing and progressing, however, a new heaven and a new earth is different from such world. A new heaven and a new earth cannot be achieved by our effort but by God’s sovereign and eschatological ruling. The resurrection Christ, totally new life, comes again and will judge this world. Through the judgment of dividing life and death very clearly a new heaven and a new earth will be begun. So the author of Scripts advises us, “So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.” (14)

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